Tom Parker Bowles has revealed his physician refused to prescribe him Ozempic.
The 49-365 days-archaic meals creator, who is the son of Queen Camilla, admitted that he requested his physician for the weight reduction drug when he realised he was “getting too fat.”
He told Vogue journal, “I’m far too old to care about this sort of thing, but I went to my doctor the other day, who I love, and I said, ‘Can I have some Ozempic, please?'”
“He just went, ‘f**k’ off. You’re a food writer. All these excess calories are coming from booze.'”
When Tom said he greatest drank alcohol three instances per week, his physician told him the amount of rosé wine he consumes a week is the identical of appealing spherical 18 cheeseburgers.
Ozempic is a drug designed to take care of diabetes and is never all the time in fact licensed in the UK for weight reduction.
Earlier this 365 days, Tom told how he ended up becoming a meals creator. “I became a food writer because I was sacked from pretty much any other job I ever did,” he told You journal. “I could string a sentence together and eat. Twenty-five years on, I’m still here and still loving every moment. God I’m lucky, and I’ll never, ever grow bored of food. Although, as I get older, I crave simplicity more and more. My comfort food is cottage pie with peas, roast chicken or an aggressively spicy noodle soup. Oh, and a McDonald’s cheeseburger, too.”